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PREDESTINATION (pre destin a' shon) n. The belief that one's fate has been. LATIN Fortuitus. Happening by chance (Fortuitous Latin AUSPEX.

Destinare latin

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2) bound for a particular destination. ORIGIN originally in the sense «predetermine, decree»: from Latin destinare make firm,… Per ardua ad astra is a Latin phrase meaning "through adversity to the stars" or "through struggle to the stars" that is the official motto of the Royal Air Force and other Commonwealth air forces such as the Royal Australian Air Force and Royal New Zealand Air Force, as well as the Royal Indian Air Force until 1947. Word Origin late Middle English: from Latin destinatio(n-), from destinare ‘make firm, establish’. The original sense was ‘the action of intending someone or something for a purpose’, later ‘being destined for a place’, hence (from the early 19th cent.) the place itself. English words for destinare include devote, earmark, destine, intend, aim, appoint, fix and mean.

Means simply "destiny, fate" from the English word, ultimately from Latin destinare "to determine", a derivative of stare "to stand".

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mid-14c., "fate, over-ruling necessity, the irresistible tendency of certain events to come about; inexorable force that shapes and controls lives and events;" also "that which is predetermined and sure to come true," from Old French destinée "purpose, intent, fate, destiny; that which is destined" (12c.), noun use of fem. past participle of destiner, from Latin destinare "make firm, establish" (see destination).

Destinare latin

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From Latin destinare 'id.' The only free and comprehensive online etymological dictionary of the Spanish language Per ardua ad astra is a Latin phrase meaning "through adversity to the stars" or "through struggle to the stars" that is the official motto of the Royal Air Force and other Commonwealth air forces such as the Royal Australian Air Force and Royal New Zealand Air Force, as well as the Royal Indian Air Force until 1947. Translations in context of "destinare" in Italian-English from Reverso Context: destinare risorse, destinare fondi, da destinare alle, risorse da destinare, destinare maggiori Translation for 'destinare' in the free Italian-English dictionary and many other English translations.

Destinare latin

From the English word, meaning "fate", originally from the Latin destinare, meaning "to determine". worn out meaning in kannada Damaged due to hard or  Traduzione di «destinare» in latino lingua: «lego» — Italiano-latino dizionario. Origin of Destiny Middle English: from Old French destinee, from Latin destinata, feminine past participle of destinare 'make firm, establish'. DEST.
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Destinare latin

6/7 APRILE 2019 Due giorni intensi di #DanzeLatinoAmericane Danze di coppia, Synchro Latin, Duo per via dello spazio limitato da destinare alle ampie collezioni della biblioteca, Carolina Rediviva (latin : "den genopstandne Carolina") er en bygning i  Språk. latin Gotmaro, cum aliquo intermeancium quo vobis visum fuerit, dignemini destinare. Vos in Härom se V. Walta i Nordic Latin Manuscript Fragments. förutbestämma (pre = före + destinare = bestämma) Användning: Med sin sociala bakgrund var han närmast predestinerad att liksom sin far bli kolgruvearbetare. Rarassima edizione originale di questi racconti edificanti che l'Augusto autore volle destinare ai figli e alla gioventù.

era destinato a morir giovane he was destined or fated to die young. la sorte che gli è stata destinata the fate that was in store for him. predestination (n.) mid-14c., predestinacioun, "the action of God in foreordaining certain of mankind through grace to salvation or eternal life," from Old French predestinacion and directly from Church Latin praedestinationem (nominative praedestinatio) "a determining beforehand," noun of action from past-participle stem of praedestinare "set before as a goal; appoint or determine beforehand 2020-01-10 Look up the Italian to English translation of destinare in the PONS online dictionary.
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