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GWS Production AB har ringt i börsklockan – Safeture Investor

It offers a cloud-based IT (information technology) platform designed to  7 May 2016 GWS Production AB (Sweden), provider of personal security service Safeture, is establishing a subsidiary in Singapore in 2016, which will  Regions European Union (EU), Nordic Countries, Scandinavia; Founded Date Jan 1, 2001; Operating Status Active; Also Known As GWS Production AB. 20 Apr 2018 GWS Production AB in Lund has been commissioned to improve the safety for all working personnel outside Malaysia's costal region. About the company. Safeture AB, formerly GWS Production AB, is a Sweden- based software company. It offers a cloud-based IT (information technology) platform  The best choice to create a safer future with a complete cloud-based platform designed to manage employee safety and risk/crisis management.

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Vertriebsprofi Leb verantwortet den Ausbau  GWS Production AB; Original Assignee: GWS PRODUCTION AB; Priority date. The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not  Major General Fritz Erling Paul Degerlund (born 16 December 1948) is a retired Swedish Army Degerlund was director of the board of the personal security service company GWS Production AB from 2014 to 27 June 2017. He was also CEO&nbs GWS Q3: Two news of importance for future revenues. Research Note. 28 Nov 2016 · GWS: High hopes on new contract. Research Update.

2021 — GWS Production AB: Påminnelse om nyttjande av Lundaföretag börsen; Lundaföretag.

GWS Production AB strukturerar organisationen för ökat

Immunovia Bokslutskommuniké 2015 - GlobeNewswire  Global Insurance giant Chubb signs agreement with GWS Production AB · Stororder till GWS från försäkringsjätte · Global leading security services company  11 nov. 2015 — 08:15 – 08:30 Nordnet Bank AB. 08:30 – 09:00 GWS Production AB. 09:00 – 09:​30 Vivoline Medical AB. 09:30 – 10:00 Alzinova AB. 13 maj 2015 — GWS Production AB har en produkt som de kallar för Safeture. Grundtanken med produkten är kunna ge information relevant för personer som  2 juni 2015 — Borje köpte: GWS Production. Antal aktier: 1 963 (totalt antal aktier efter köp: 11 962) Pris: 7,55 SEK (GAV efter köp: 7,32 SEK).

Gws production ab

De bästa strategierna för passiv inkomst: GWS Production AB

anmäla sig till bolaget senast onsdagen den 1 april 2015 skriftligen till GWS Production AB, Ideon Gateway,. Scheelevägen 27, 223 63 Lund. Anmälan kan  7 juli 2015 — Vid årsstämma i GWS Production AB (”GWS”) den 17 juni 2015 beslutade stämman om en riktad emission av teckningsoptioner med rätt till  GWS Production AB strukturerar organisationen för ökat säljfokus. 2 septembre 2016. Global Warning System (GWS) meddelar att man kommer att lägga ökat  30 aug.

Gws production ab

The new service, CareFindy, is part of the wholly owned subsidiary Carefindy AB (Carefindy). GWS now transfers 65% of Carefindy shares to Rethinking Care Sweden AB Knut Åke Lennart Knutsson is Chief Financial Officer at GWS Production AB. View Knut Åke Lennart Knutsson’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers. Tillsatt: Global Sales and Marketing Manager/Business Developer to GWS Production AB. sell and provide the GWS services with the partners products and services providing their customers with GWS designed safety tools and safety information.
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Gws production ab

T.ex. om någon anställd råkar befinna sig i ett område som precis drabbats av jordbävning så ska Safeture kunna hjälpa den utsatta personen hitta hjälp samtidigt som företagets hjälps hålla koll på personen och hjälpa till.

The company provides a GWS Production AB is founded in Lund (Sweden) by Professor of Medicine, Lars Lidgren with technical development by Andréas Rodman. Nasdaq First North, Stockholm 2014 GWS Production AB byter namn till Safeture AB – aktietickern ändras till SFTR tis, jun 18, 2019 15:40 CET Namnbytet träder i kraft torsdagen den 19 juni på handelsplattformar.
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Safeture AB - Företagsinformation - Allabolag

sept 4 (reuters) - gws production ab: * reg-gws production ab: global leading security services company signs agreement with gws * agreement is initially for a two year period and gives gws access 2019-06-18 15:40:08 GWS Production AB byter namn till Safeture AB - aktietickern ändras till SFTR-8,62% | 0,01 MSEK 2019-05-29 13:37:23 Kommuniké från årsstämma den 29 maj 2019 i GWS Production AB (publ) 0,00% | 0 GWS Production AB: GWS adds insurance technology as focus area Global Warning System (GWS) has operated on several segments within travel security since 2014. After extensive evaluation and analysis of the different segments, the decision was made to focus on the existing business serving corporate travelers, and on insurance technology (InsurTech). Hitta information om Safeture AB. Adress: Kung Oscars Väg 7, Postnummer: 222 40.

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Nytt avtal för GWS Production IT-Kanalen

Avtalet  24 dec. 2018 — GWS Production AB i Lund och Expat Preventive i Nederländerna har tecknat ett samarbetsavtal för att ge den nederländska marknaden den  GWS Production AB: ny release av Safeture ger ökad trygghet under OS i Rio de Janeiro |