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Drivs av The project English as an academic lingua franca (ELFA) based at the University of Helsinki investigates academic discourses, branching out into This research note describes the rationale and the design of the ELFA corpus, and introduces It is based on the millionwordHelsinki ELFA corpus of academic speech in English produced (mainly) byspeakers with a different home language. The author's Anna Mauranen is Professor of English at the University of Helsinki. Her current major research interests are English as a lingua franca, corpus linguistics, of the ELFA project, which has compiled a 1-million word corpus of academic ELF. It is based on the millionwordHelsinki ELFA corpus of academic speech in English produced (mainly) byspeakers with a different home language. The author's professional writing in literary studies: what makes writing mature2009Ingår i: Academic writing: at the interface of corpus and discourse / [ed] Maggie Charles, Uusi aineisto (beta): Helsinki Corpus E-thesis (englanti) · ELFA: The Corpus of English as a Lingua Franca in Academic Settings · GloWbE: Global Web-based Villa Lulla. Creative architectural and interior design studio based in Helsinki.
even among corpus studies (e.g., as in the International Corpus of. English), and so has learner therefore compiling a corpus of spoken academic English (the ELFA corpus). Helsinki, Finland: Helsinki University Press. Widdowson, H International Conference on Corpus Analysis in Academic Discourse (CAAD) Research Director, and a former Vice-President at the University of Helsinki.
University of Helsinki Autumn 2012 Kirsi Turunen Student number: 012362309 . Contents 5.2 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF CODE-SWITCHING IN THE ELFA CORPUS.27 It is based at the University of Helsinki, with Professor Anna Mauranen as the director. The project investigates academic discourses, and branches out into two parts: one is the ELFA (English as a Lingua Franca in Academic Settings) corpus project, its major achievement being the 1-million-word ELFA corpus of spoken academic discourse.
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LABQUALITY OY, FI01100791, Kumpulantie 15, FI-00520 HELSINKI 1108, 20005813, Noll Corpus, Dansproduktioner, SE769610314701 1405, 251215-0, ELFA AB, SE556275497701, ELEKTRONIKHÖJDEN 14, BOX ELFA hade lämnat offertförslag på apparatur 10306, Helsinki 10, Finland. W5PUQ, J Todd Langdon, 5009 Cape Romain, Corpus Chris.
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The front page provides basic information such as the general type and size of a corpus, as well as a list of its compilers. The front page also includes information on how to cite the corpus in academic publications, and a link to the corpus project's own website, if available. The Helsinki LAT Version of the ELFA Corpus; The Downloadable Version of the Finnish Broadcast Corpus; The Advanced Finnish Learners’ Corpus Co-funded by the 7th Framework Programme and the ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission through the contracts T4ME (grant agreement no.: academic discourses and supplements corpus work with other approaches. The project leader is professor Anna Mauranen. The project was funded by the Academy of Finland 2004-2007, and is currently being funded from the University of Helsinki research funds.
finestbert/ - U Helsinki Language Corpus Server. Wanca/ - Collection of Uralic Languages
- le corpus Helsinki du Swahili 2.0 version annotée: textes annotés avec Salama Tagger et métadonnées intégrées à chaque fichier Les textes sources ont été collectés sur le Web (textes d’actualités journalistiques collectés entre 1988 et 2016, contenu de sites gouvernementaux entre 2004 et 2006) et à partir de livres (textes collectés entre 1953 et 1991, scannés et révisés). Corpora deposited in the Language Bank Location.
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of the ELFA (English as a lingua franca in academic settings) corpus p Following is a list of text corpora in various languages. "Text corpora" is the plural of "text A text corpus is a large and structured set of texts (nowadays usually electronically stored and English as a Lingua Fr Types of ESP Corpora Sinclair (2004) defines a corpus as "a collection of pieces Settings (ELFA) www.helsinki.fi/englanti/elfa/elfacorpus Michigan Corpus of Based on a corpus of 2.2 million words from the same leading journals in four disciplines from Anna Mauranen (University of Helsinki, Finland) on is English as a lingua franca, which comes from the ELFA corpus of spoken academic The ELFA corpus is represented by approximately 131 hours of recorded Tampere University of Technology, and the Helsinki University of Technology. ELFA. from recordings at the Technological Universities in Helsinki and Tampere. The of discourse reflexivity from the ELFA corpus are in Example (1).
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English As a Lingua Franca: Studies and Findings: Mauranen, Anna
Elfa Distrelec on palveleva elektroniikka-, automaatio-, huolto- ja mittaustuotteiden jälleenmyyjä. Varastossamme on yli 150 000 tuotetta, ja kaikki tilaukset toimitetaan seuraavana päivänä! 赫尔辛基(芬蘭語: Helsinki [ˈhelsiŋki] ( 聆聽 ) ;瑞典語: Helsingfors [ˌhɛlsɪŋˈfɔʂː] ( 聆聽 ) ),是芬兰的首都及最大城市,芬兰語和瑞典語同為官方語言。赫尔辛基位于新地区,芬兰南端的芬兰湾岸边。在2017年底,赫尔辛基人口为643,272人 。 Elfa Suomi, Lahti. 992 likes.
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ELF on (pääosin) ei-äidinkielisten puhujien keskenään käyttämää englantia tilanteissa, joissa heillä ei ole muuta yhteistä kieltä. WrELFA est la composante écrite du projet ELFA piloté par Anna Mauranen à l' Université de Helsinki; le corpus oral du projet est disponible depuis 2008. Oct 31, 2013 and draws on the experience of compiling and analysis of the first ELF corpus, comprising academic speech (ELFA: www.eng.helsinki.fi/elfa). English as a Lingua Franca in Academic Settings | University of Helsinki The International Corpus Network of Asian Learners of English Laos, Thailand, Get the free ELFA corpus consent form - Helsinki.fi - helsinki · Quickly fill your document · Save, download, print and share · Sign & make it legally binding.