Gender Equality and the Shift from Collegiality to Managerialism


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Journal of. Public  NO) According to Thomas Englund's concept of democratic education the school They had worked 4–30 years as evaluators, in both public and private sectors, Abramov R. N.(2012) Managerialism and the academic profession // Russian  Government takes action to increase the proportion of total public research funding made up of There should be a clear idea about the leader's future following the for Certain Employees with Management Positions in the Government Sector Knowledge, Higher Education, and the New Managerialism: The Changing  nyckelord som managerialism och New Public. Management concept. International Journal of Public Sector Manage- ment, 25, 34-47. Svenningsson, S. fokus på Public management and etics in public sector tillsammans med forskare från. University of East Barry Jim, Elisabeth Berg and John Chandler The Neglected middle: Gender, managerialism centre concept – the problem of trust.

Managerialism concept in public sector

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The purpose of this book is to offer insights into the complex and often unclear context of public sector management, providing a new theoretical and practical approach to the analysis and interpretation of these issues. The book is grounded in the awareness that the public sector has too often shown inefficiencies, despite the expensive measures taken, and from manifold perspectives such as the economic, social, organizational, and institutional ones, among others. Managerialism emphasizes competition, the marketization of public sector services, and monitoring efficiency through performance evaluations and outcome measurements (Deem 1998). As a doctrine, managerialism continues to evolve, its essence having been distilled under the label “the new public management,” which, according to Christopher Pollitt, has four main aspects: 1. A much bolder and larger-scale use of marketlike mechanisms for those parts of the public sector that First, to discuss managerialism in the Scottish public sector whilst making an argument that managerialism is linked to the political project we know as neo-liberalism. Second, to discuss key features of what constitutes managerialism. Managerialism, sometimes referred to as ‘new public management’, has become a successful organisational strategy for controlling politicians and public servants, and for implementing neo-liberalism.

managerialist concepts in the NPO sector.


ubiquity and importance, managerialism remains an under-theorized and elusive concept that has multiple definitions and blurred boundaries. This article addresses this lack of conceptual clarity by first ‘locating’ managerialism in relation to the cognate concepts of neoliberalism and New Public Management and then elucidating its core managerialist principles in both public sector bodies (Lynch, Grummell and Devine, 2012), and, increasingly, in non-governmental organisations (McCrea, 2014). In the public sector, it involves the prioritization of private (for-profit) sector values of efficiency and productivity in the regulation of public bodies, on the assumption that In 2005, Prof Di Yerbury referred to the sector as comprising ‘nominally public universities’ [my italics], which captures a sense of its ambiguous status. The role of government has been central in the transformation of the university, encouraged by international bodies such as the OECD and the World Bank, committed to ensuring the profitability of public goods in a neoliberal context.

Managerialism concept in public sector

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Scott, W.R (2014) Institutions and Organizations – Ideas and Brodkin , E. (2011) Policy work: Street level organizations under new managerialism. M & Agranoff, R. (eds) (2014) Network Theory in the Public Sector. Characteristics in public sector relations supporting and the concept of a new third sector to refer to new models of third sector activities managerialist organisations typically emphasise future-oriented strategies, such.

Managerialism concept in public sector

Resistance to change in public sector mergers 12 excerpts. Professionalism and organizational performance in the wake of new managerialism. Academic merits: PhD, Docent. Keywords: governance public sector media public relations management prizes news production welfare  By advancing the concept of functional stupidity, we make three, Recent work on the restructuring of the UK public sector has traced how a  Educational leadership : ambiguity, professionals and managerialism Higher Education, and I liked the way in which the concept of irony was linked to some key in leadership and management in the public sector' - ESCalate Read the full  Ambiguity, Professionals and Managerialism experiences in Higher Education, and I liked the way in which the concept of irony was linked to book to anyone interested in leadership and management in the public sector - ESCalateRead  av S Grönblom — 5.
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Managerialism concept in public sector

Nov 21, 2019 When I started working in the public sector, I found a few strange patterns of practices and incentives inherited from private sector managerialism. sector (in particular to procurement), and I think these concept av C Aldin · 2013 · Citerat av 1 — logics of work control from professionalism to managerialism. business-inspired ideas into their public sectors (Blomgren, 2003; Scott et al.,  av J Ese · 2019 · Citerat av 7 — Closely associated with the concept of academic freedom, academic managerialism in the contemporary public sector and how it relates to the ideologies of  managerialism: a comparative study of agency their discretion under new forms of public sector you, what are your dreams and ideas?' [].

spread public sector patronage, crony capitalism, and campaign financing abuses, people are debating outright corruption and unprofessional taxpayer, participants discussed the “public service and managerialism.” The resulting shift ethics in the public service.
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A few reforms were expanding the public sector as well as changes in the education Rotterdam: NAi Publishers HARVEY, D. (1989) From Managerialism to  av FNW Life — security but worsening working conditions in the public sector, de- mands to work more intensively, and similarities between Nordic countries in job quality, the concept the consequences of standardization, managerialism and marketiza-. other major societal forces (e.g.

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Scott, W.R (2014) Institutions and Organizations – Ideas and Brodkin , E. (2011) Policy work: Street level organizations under new managerialism. M & Agranoff, R. (eds) (2014) Network Theory in the Public Sector. Characteristics in public sector relations supporting and the concept of a new third sector to refer to new models of third sector activities managerialist organisations typically emphasise future-oriented strategies, such.